The SCHS Drama Club is pleased to present “Parker and a Christmas Carol,” an interactive retelling of Charles Dickens’ classic tale. The show follows two characters as they discuss the true meaning of Christmas. This is a puppet theatre, interactive children’s show that is free to attend and is recommended for children ages four and up. Donations to the Fine Arts program are always appreciated.
Attendees have two opportunities to see “Parker and a Christmas Carol”. The show times are Friday, December 1st, at 6:00 PM and Saturday, December 2nd, at 2:00 PM. The show will be held in the SCHS FEMA Building, and it runs approximately 25 minutes. The production promises to be an enjoyable experience that both children and adults will love.
If you’re looking for a fun and educational holiday activity for your family, “Parker and a Christmas Carol” is the perfect option. It invites audience members to join in the conversation about the meaning of Christmas and offers an engaging way to introduce young children to this timeless story. With free entry and two convenient show times, don’t miss your chance to check out this fantastic production from the SCHS Drama Club!