Visit our Drama Club page!

We are excited to announce that the high school drama page is now available on our website. This page contains all the information you need to join our drama club, including what drama club is all about and who the instructor is. This year’s drama club participants are also listed on the page.

Drama club provides a place for students who are interested in acting and theatre to come together and learn new skills. Our instructor, Ms. Wilcoxson, has been teaching theatre for many years and is excited to welcome new members to the club. Our drama club meets twice a week after school, and puts on several performances throughout the year.

If you are interested in joining our drama club, all the information you need can be found on our website. We welcome students of all experience levels, and we can’t wait to see what kind of performances we can put on this year. Join us for a fun and creative outlet in the high school drama club!